MOPH Fundraisers




Opportunity By John Waid

A neglected opportunity will not come back!
If we don’t take the opportunity it is lost!

As members of Chapter 711 of the MOPH, we have many opportunities:

  • The opportunity to help less fortunate veterans and their families. This includes providing a roof over their head or food on their table, offering guidance and support when they are in trouble with the law, and being there for those who need a shoulder to lean on.
  • The opportunity to encourage our young people by supporting the ROTC, being positive role models, and being there to truly listen to them and hear what they are saying.
  • The opportunity to promote patriotism by participating in events such as honoring deceased veterans on Memorial Day, taking part in community parades and special programs on July 4th and Veterans Day, respecting the flag at public gatherings, and proudly displaying the flag to show our unwavering support for our country to friends and neighbors.

Certainly! Here’s the rewritten text:

Let’s remember the following:

We have the chance to spend time together in an environment of goodwill and camaraderie, offering each other support during tough times and celebrating together during happy times.

This list is not exhaustive. We should all be on the lookout for opportunities, as they can come in various forms and at unexpected times.

It is our challenge, both individually and as a Chapter, to embrace each opportunity with a positive mindset and a willing heart. We should use our time, talents, skills, expertise, and resources to turn opportunities into accomplishments.

Each member of Chapter 711 possesses different talents, skills, expertise, and resources. By combining them, we can achieve many wonderful things!

Let’s not overlook any opportunity!