The Purple Heart is a prestigious military decoration awarded to members of the U.S. armed forces who have been wounded by enemy actions or posthumously to the next of kin of those who are killed in action or die from their wounds. This decoration is specifically recognized as a combat award.
The Military Order of the Purple Heart, established in 1932, serves to protect the mutual interests of all individuals who have received this honor. It is the only veterans service organization that consists exclusively of combat veterans.
The organization raises funds for welfare, rehabilitation, and various service initiatives through a variety of means, including the collection of used household items, thrift store operations, automobile donations, and the annual distribution of its official flower, the Purple Heart Viola. This flower is assembled by disabled and needy veterans, many of whom have limited financial support from other sources. Thus, contributions to the organization serve a dual purpose: they assist veteran participants in these programs and enable the organization to provide support for hospitalized veterans and their families.
Additionally, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Military Order of the Purple Heart welcomes the wives, mothers, daughters, step-daughters, and adopted daughters of Purple Heart recipients. This auxiliary plays a vital role in providing national and local support in veterans’ hospitals.