Chapter Administration

Commander’s and Officer’s duties and responsibilities for the Chapter are as follows: per the guidelines set forth by the MOPH Bylaws and this Chapter’s Bylaws & policies. Election of Officers takes place in April each year.

All Officers will be installed each year in May and assume their duties at that point.

The Chapter year is April 1 through May 31. All officers are expected to view and download the MOPH Bylaws, Constitution and Procedures Manual, if desired, at Chapter Commander – 100% responsible for the Chapter and its operation:

The Chapter Commander will preside over the Chapter meetings, ceremonies, and events with a prepared agenda. The Commander prepares the agenda, calendar of meetings, events, and programs for the year promulgated in January. He will ensure the Chapter has all the items needed for the meeting and that the meeting place is appropriately set up with the judge advocate as an adviser. He ensures that Vice-Commanders are calling Chapter members and that a monthly newsletter goes out to each member, VIP, and Dept. Officers. He makes sure all appointed positions are filled. Ensures the Chapter has a membership drive and fundraising events. Ensures the business agenda is only about 1½ hours long and that all members know where the meetings are held. Ensures all Chapter Officers are knowledgeable in their positions. Ensures the reports to National are completed. Approves Chapter warrants prepared by the Finance Officer for appropriation of money made and passed at a regular meeting of the Chapter, signs each check issued by the Chapter, and performs such other duties as the laws of the Corporation may require.

When possible, the Commander shall consistently demonstrate leadership and diplomacy and attend Chapter, Department, and National meetings and events. They should be knowledgeable about the Organization, the governing documents, and the required reports to the National and the Dept. The Commander should have a computer for e-mails and a printer for letters, reports, and communication.

He/she shall ensure the Chapter is non-political, non-biased, non-religious, non-self-serving, and fair in every way possible. A MOPH organization believes this is proper but respects God and our Founding Fathers in every way and the principles thereof. We as an organization shall show no disrespect, nor does it intend to offend others with their beliefs.

The Commander shall ensure an annual budget for March each year and have the Jr. Vice and Adjutant elect new Officers in April and install them in May.

Immediately after entering his office, he appoints an Adjutant, Service Officer, Welfare Officer, Americanism Officer, Historian, Chaplain, and all other Chapter officers and committees not otherwise provided for. Further, he may remove these officers and committees at his pleasure. Chapter Senior Vice Commander –

Our Chapter Sr. Vice Commander is to assist the Commander, provide a membership drive for the Chapter, and attend events that might lead to new members. Assisted in national, department, and chapter events and programs. Perform other duties that the Commander might assign. Call Chapter members to encourage participation in meetings and oversee an annual luncheon. The Sr. Vice is the overseer of members and their needs. If the Commander is absent, they will preside as Commander at the meeting. The Sr. Vice will inform the Commander of the membership and Chapter business. The Commander may assign the Sr. Vice-Commander other duties. Chapter Junior Vice Commander –

Our Chapter Jr. Vice Commander is to assist the Commander and Sr. Vice Commander. They will provide membership activities and assist in the Chapter programs if possible. They shall implement and oversee all chapter fundraising events by the Chapter, including the two major ones each year. Participate as the oversight authority in the Chapter’s annual nomination and election of Officers with the Chapter Adjutant. If the Commander and Sr. Vice Commander are absent, the Jr. Vice Commander will preside as Commander at the meeting. In the same, the Jr. Vice is to keep the Commander informed on all Chapter business. The Commander may assign the Jr. Vice other duties. Finance Officer –

The Finance Officer is responsible for the funds, securities, vouchers, bills, receipts, investments, bookkeeping, other property of the Chapter, and “Warrants” for the Chapter.

  1. The Finance Officer is responsible to the Jr. Vice Commander and Chapter members for a “Monthly Finance Report.” All Chapter monies paid out must have the proper “Warrant” drawn by the Adjutant and approved by the Commander. Checks issued for the Chapter shall have two signatures for accountability.
  2. He shall keep an active account of each active member and perform such other duties as the laws of the Corporation may require.
  3. The Finance Officer must complete the annual financial report covering the period of May 1 through April 30. Three copies are required for 1) Chapter records, 2) Department. Finance Officer (due by May 31), 3) National Adjutant or Finance Officer (due by June 30).
  4. The Finance Officer shall prepare a Chapter Budget for the membership to be reviewed by the Chapter Officers and presented to the members before March of each year.
  5. If not reelected, the Finance Officer must deliver all monies, books, financial statements, and other Chapter property to their successor or the Chapter Jr. Vice Commander. The Finance Officer ensures that all check-signing officers sign necessary bank sign forms. The Finance Officer will summarize the accounts at the designated Officers meeting.

Judge Advocate –The Judge Advocate shall give the Commander legal and parliamentary assistance as he may require and perform other duties for the office. They ensure the meeting follows a business agenda, is timely, and the setup and setting meet MOPH standards. If possible, the Judge Advocate should have a business and/or legal background. The Judge Advocate is responsible to the Commander for all legal issues in or to the Chapter. The Judge Advocate is to assist members of the Chapter if possible.

Chapter Trustees –The Chapter Trustees shall, at least semi-annually, in June and December, audit the accounts of the Chapter, make a report to the Chapter, and perform such other duties as may be required of them.

Refer to the duties of the Adjutant and Finance Officer when auditing those Officer’s records, including membership information, roster, minutes, and finance records. The Chapter has three trustees, one elected yearly for a three-year term.

Sergeant-At-Arms –

  1. The Sergeant-At-Arms take their post at the entrance of the meeting room.
  2. They greet each member and ensure the person is a member or guest with the approval of the Commander to attend.
  3. He shall be responsible for the American and MOPH flags and, before each meeting, shall secure the room, post the flags, and set up the missing member chair.
  4. They ensure that each person signs in on the log sheet provided by the Adjutant of the Chapter and that the Adjutant receives that log at the end of the meeting.
  5. When called upon by the Commander, the meeting is opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  6. Ensures the meeting is not disturbed or that a member does not get out of control and disrupt the meeting. By the direction of the Commander, remove a disruptive person.
  7. After the end of the meeting, he secured all of the Chapter’s property. The Chapter colors may be locked in a room or taken home by the Sergeant-At-Arms for safekeeping.
  8. At the close of the meeting, when called upon by the Commander, they lead all members in a render salute to the American flag.

The Commander appoints the following Officer to the Chapter:

Adjutant – Chaplain – Welfare Officer – Historian – Americanism Officer – Service Officer – Executive Committeeman – Alternate Executive Committeeman, and other Chairpersons as needed.

Adjutant (appointed) –The Chapter Adjutant reports to the Chapter Commander, oversees the operation of the Chapter, and prepares communications as directed.

  1. Keep books and files adequately prepared –
  • The Constitution and Bylaws of MOPH and the Bylaws of the Chapter and Department
  • A record of all the proceedings (i.e., Minutes) of each Chapter meeting after the same shall have been corrected and/or approved, plus an Attendance Log. These shall be provided to the Historian after one year.
  • An order file shall contain all orders or circulars issued by the National Commander, the Department Commander, or the Chapter Commander.
  • A letter file
  • A roll of departed Patriots.
  • Such other documents or papers as required by the Order or any legal jurisdiction.
  1. Attest by his signature all actions of the Chapter; draw all warrants on the Finance Officer, to be approved by the Commander. Prepare all reports and returns required of him.
  2. Complete the Chapter Election Report forms furnished by the National Adjutant within twenty-four hours after the election and promptly forward a copy directly to the National Adjutant and the Department adjutant. He shall keep an active account of each active member, notify all active members who are in arrears, perform such other duties as shall be required of him by the Bylaws of the Corporation, and transfer without delay to his successor all books, papers, and other property of the Chapter in his possession or under his control.
  3. Provide a Chapter Newsletter (as monthly as possible) and ensure distribution to members, Chapter VIPs, Dept—officers, and supporters as directed by the Commander. The Adjutant is to follow the Chapter’s newsletter policy—no political or religious articles.
  4. Maintain the Chapter roster and make changes as required by National.
  5. Provide correspondence as needed or requested by the Commander or Vice-Commanders.
  6. Provides copies and information on VA and Veterans affairs and other interests to the members as much as possible.
  7. Assist the Junior Vice-Commander with the election of Officers.
  8. Assisted with membership applications and handled all chapter member transfers to the national membership department.
  9. Provide the paper, envelopes, and labels for the Chapter communications and newsletter, plus stamps and printer ink. The Chapter will reimburse him for the same.

Historian (appointed) –The Historian shall compile a brief history of the Chapter’s activities during his term of office, to be kept as a permanent record of the Chapter, and shall perform such other duties as his office may require of the Commander may direct.

He shall keep letters, newsletters, and other Chapter history and help the Chapter Commander in his/her annual report of events and meetings. Each year, from March to April, they need to meet and review the history and important events of the Chapter. The Chapter must have a history of what they do and have done for new members and information to pass on through time. The Historian should have a history album or portfolio and a photo album for the Chapter members to view at each meeting.

Chaplain (appointed) –The Chaplain shall be responsible for the opening and closing prayers at each meeting, assist in or take charge of burial ceremonies for departed Patriots, and perform such other duties requested of him by the Commander. He shall send appropriate get well or such cards to members as required.

Executive Committeeman and alternate (appointed) –

In the absence of the Chapter Commander, Chapter Senior Vice-Commander, or Chapter Junior Vice Commander, the Executive Committeeman, or his absence, the Alternate Executive Committeeman, shall represent the Chapter on the Department Executive Committee.

Americanism Officer (appointed) –The Americanism Officer shall:

  1. Assist in promoting a program of “positive Americanism” and cooperate with other civic and patriotic organizations with worthy objectives; he shall assist the Chapter in commemorating all national patriotic holidays by preserving and strengthening comradeship and patriotism among its members.
  2. Encourage the display of the American Flag on all appropriate holidays and perform other duties as his office may require or the Commander may direct.
  3. Submit a report to the department and National Americanism Officers by June 15 each year.
  4. Provide a patriotic or appropriate message for that month’s meeting or newsletter, like a quote by Gen. George Washington or another patriot or a short message for Veterans Day or Purple Heart Day.

Service Officer (appointed) –The service Officer shall advise and assist veterans and their dependents in the technical preparation of their claims for benefits from any governmental agency and in securing suitable employment; keep himself informed of the laws and rules about the rights and benefits of the veterans and their families, protect and keep confidential the service records held under his jurisdiction; make periodic reports of his activities to the Chapter; and coordinate his activities with Veteran Service Officer (VSO) and the National Service Director.

Welfare Officer (appointed) –The Welfare Officer assists the Veterans Administration Voluntary Service (VAVS) representative at the VAMC and local VA Clinics.

The function of the VAVS Representative or deputy, upon proper certification, is to:

  1. Keep informed about public and private agencies and organizations that can offer temporary or permanent assistance to members of the needs of veterans and their families and help such persons secure proper and adequate assistance.
  2. Assist the Chapter whenever possible in the sale of Violas as a source of welfare funds and perform such other duties as the Commander may direct.
  3. Make periodic reports of the Chapter activities to the Department and National Welfare Officers and provide them with written reports no later than June 15 each year.

ROTC and JROTC Leadership Program Chairman (appointed) –This Chairman implements the National ROTC/JROTC program wherein MOPH recognizes outstanding student leadership qualities by presenting an award to the recipient at their school.

These duties and responsibilities are outlined in MOPH National and Chapter Bylaws. The Chapter Commander may add or modify the same.

All officers are expected to view and download the MOPH Bylaws, Constitution and Procedures Manual, if desired, at

* A member may be an elected officer in the Chapter and hold an appointed position there. No member should hold more than two positions in the Chapter.

All elected Officers are on the Chapter’s Executive Committee (Finance & Advisors) and report to the Commanders. The Executive Committee meets every other month as assigned by and scheduled by the Commander.

Rev. July 1, 2016